Saturday, December 29, 2007

2 things, unrelated

First, the pictures of the mailbox decorations I did for Christmas. I'm proud because it was easy, it turned out really pretty, and I did it!

Second: Back in August, we had to give a family heirloom china cabinet back to my uncle. The cabinet was made by my great-great-grandfather as a wedding gift to his new bride. I started on a search for a new one, but couldn't find exactly what I wanted, much less for the right price. Furniture is really expensive these days. After Hubby and I talked it over, we decided that the only way we could get what we really wanted was to have it made just for us. The old one was the perfect size and we really like the style of it. There is a lady that volunteers at the Wildlife Center who makes custom pieces, and she's made one for me before. I sent her a few pictures and the measurements, she sent me a price (unbelievable how much less that store bought!), and I said go ahead. That was in September. Today, she delivered the piece, and it is amazing. Here's a picture:

Charlie wanted to be in the picture, so I obliged. When we get it where it is supposed to be and get all the china put back into it, I'll post another picture. I think Granddaddy would be proud.

Friday, December 28, 2007


So, I think I'm going to try something new on the blog. Or sort of attached to the blog. I'm working on it now, but not sure when it will be ready.

Stay tuned!

Sprites be gone!

I sent my camera back to Olympus a week or so ago to have it checked out and possible even replaced. I've been following the progress, and it was shipped back yesterday and should arrive back at home next Thursday!! Warranty coverage is so worth it. It only cost me the shipping, and the repairs and return shipping were free. Hopefully, the camera sprites were convinced to leave me and my camera alone. Then I can catch up on some of the things I've been working on! And, I can put the camera case Hubby gave me for Christmas to good use.

Oh, and the new laptop!


Sunday, December 16, 2007

O, Christmas Tree

We put up and trimmed our tree a couple of weeks ago. Trimming the tree is always fun for me because I can connect memories to just about each ornament. Several of the ornaments we have were given to us by Hubby's mother just before our first Christmas together. Some of them are little yarn dolls his grandmother made, there are a couple that Hubby made when he was but a wee one, and there are a few that are from his childhood collected through the years. There is the golden cut-out ornament from our honeymoon, the oyster half-shell from St. Simon's Island, all the creature ornaments, and of course, the Podlings. We haven't found a topper yet, but it looks alright to us. We are both pretty diligent in making sure the tree is lit before sundown when we're home, otherwise, it is one of the first things we do when we get home. Also, the whole front half of the house smells like Christmas all month.

Saturday, December 8, 2007


Why can't boys be a little more conservative with their emissions?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I read a lot of blogs. I am a random blog stalker. That's not the point of this post, though.

Most of the bloggers I stalk have told of their respective Thanksgivings. Here's mine: We ate. Alot. That's all.

The babies have been staying inside alot lately. Squirt is not happy about it. But she isn't happy about change. Unless it's the litter box.

No migraine this week! (so far)

We're getting our Christmas tree this weekend. I'm pretty much done with shopping. I'm not gloating, I'm just not usually done until the 23rd. Of December.

That's all.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Yeah, I know

So Halloween was a week and a half ago, but Hubby had to take pics because of the sprites. Isn't he cute?

This is a guilty dog:

Hubby called while I was out running errands today. He had been in the garden for collards and noticed what he first thought was a snake. Upon further inspection, discovered that it was a tail. And there was fur attached to the tail. Then the fur disappeared into the dirt.

Apparently, Elmo caught another opossum, dug a pretty big hole and buried him. We're not sure if he met his end with Elmo, or if he was playing possum and Elmo buried him alive. Either way, it is strange that only the tail is left showing. Maybe it is so he can find it later? Or maybe it's because he couldn't get the tail buried for the twitching.

At least we have some fertilizer.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Can't come soon enough!

While I was out in Utah for Jenny's reception, some friends were thanking Jenny and her man for the tickets to a very popular show that has a bit of a cult following. When they announced that it was SPAMALOT, I very nearly had a fit, as Hubby and I are quite the followers.

Halloween morning, Hubby left out for work earlier than usual. In the near dark, I asked if he was dressed as a lumberjack. To which he replied, "Yes, and I'm ok!" He had a very similar exchange with a coworker. The coworker roiled with laughter while the receptionist looked on, quite confused.

You may have also noticed a couple of new features on my sidebar. These come after we got some very exciting news yesterday.

SPAMALOT is coming to the 'Ham! After quite a bit of research, and a very fast, enthusiatic decision, tickets were purchased, and there was much rejoicing!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


"I come down to the water to cool my eyes. But everywhere I look I see fire; that which isn't flint is tinder, and the whole world sparks and flames."

From a beautifully written collection by Annie Dillard

Thanks, Jenny, for the wonderful surprise. I'm already devouring it.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Me + Sprites = No Friends

Well, I haven't worked things out with the camera sprites, but I was able to recover the pictures that I was able to take. I picked some of my favorites.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Anybody out there know where I can get a new brain? Or a new set of genes?

These migraines are killing me

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Don't you hate it when you leave your cell phone, and charger, in Utah?

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My last night

On my last night in Utah, I am a little sad. I'm sad to be leaving such a beautiful place and leaving my friends. Jenny is having her first baby in a few months, and because of several factors, I won't be able to be here to help out when the baby comes. That, and I'll have to wait until Utah thaws out to come back. The snow was pretty, but way too cold for me.

I had a really great time here in Utah. I've spent the last few days with one of my best friends, and I've made some new friends. Some notes on our adventures:

The reception Saturday was incredible. I met so many nice people. Some of whom I had heard (or read) about, and others that came to celebrate. It was cold, there was snow, but it was worth it. The food was delicious, the fire was warm, and the backdrop couldn't have been any better.

Sunday, a bunch of us went down to Little Wild Horse Canyon for a short hike. BEAUTIFUL! Unfortunately, my camera decided it was time to start acting up. Apparently, just being in close proximity to Dan and Jenny does that to cameras. So, I managed to get a few pictures, but they started getting fuzzy. I'll post a few when I get back home and can sort things out with the camera sprites.

After Little Wild Horse Canyon, Jenny and I drove down to Moab to stay the night and see Arches National Park on Monday. Too bad we both forgot that Columbus Day is Monday and a lot of people use this 3-day weekend for off-road sports. 10 hotels we checked were all full. We had dinner, and headed back home. Late night.

Monday we just sort of chilled. A busy weekend really wears out the pregnant folk. I was pretty tired myself from the hike and boulder climbing we did Sunday. We stayed close to home, watched a movie, took a nap, and went to a birthday party. All in all, it was a really good day.

I'm excited about coming back in the spring when all sorts of new life will be here. New babies, new flowers, new bugs!

Friday, October 5, 2007


i accidentally bought a roast beef sandwich kit to bring for lunch.

down the toilet, that's where my morning went

A Trip is not a trip is not trip

Today I am flying out to Utah for my friend Jenny's wedding reception. I packed a couple of days ago to be sure that I had everything I needed. I made my list, counted out how many pairs of socks, how many shirts, even dug out my travel sized everythings. I'm ready. Hubby brings me to work with my carry-on and suitcase. All is good.

Then, it hits me.

I forgot my pillow.

This is no ordinary pillow. Some may find this disturbing, others will completely understand. I've had this pillow, and one just like it, my ENTIRE life. This pillow has been through everything with me. It has traveled around the world with me. It defended the freedom of These United States with me as I loaded containers in Kuwait. When I found myself all alone, no matter where I found myself, my trusty pillow was there.

I immediately started whining. To my coworker's dismay. Then I call Hubby and he's not there. I have to leave a whining message that I forgot something very important. My pillow. When he called back, there was no sympathy, only: "Maybe now you will have learned your lesson. All those times you make fun of me for making lists, now maybe you will start making lists." But I did make a list. Never have I had to put the pillow on the list, because that would be like putting your right arm on the list.

Hubby suggested that maybe Jenny will have a pillow. I reminded him that not only do Jenny and Dan need their own pillows, Jenny's mom is in town, and I will be using the air mattress. I don't mind the air mattress, but I need my pillow. Then I said, "Maybe I can just sleep on a couch cushion!" Hubby exploded in laughter. So supportive. Then he comes up with these ingenious solutions:

A bag of flour
A bag of corn meal
Ooh, Rice!
Ooh, Ooh, a ziploc bag full of rice!

About this point in the phone call, Jenny emails me with a weather update. Instead of the worst winter storm in 10 years, now the weather people say, just kidding, rain and cold and wind. I email her back and say, "I forgot my stinking pillow," Who cares about the weather, I FORGOT MY PILLOW!!!

Ever the solutionist, Jenny assures me that they have plenty of pillows that stink that I can borrow.

Hopefully, my trip won't be ruined.

I am looking forward to the bonfire. I haven't been to one of those in a while.

Friday, September 21, 2007

For the sake of the blog

This is a little funny, but mostly inappropriate....

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

So today

turned out to be a better day than I expected. A weird headache started late Monday afternoon, became a pretty bad migraine yesterday, and I figured I was going to feel like crap all day today. After lunch, things started to get better, and the headache lifted on its own.

One of the girls I work with put giant signs up on my windows, "Ask me how old I am today" and "This is what 30 looks like"

My mom surprised me at work yesterday with a new shirt and cute card.

The guys I work with from the warehouse all signed a funny birthday card for me.

I got lots of birthday wishes from all over today.

Hubby sent beatiful flowers to me....

Hubby also gave me a new radio for my truck!!! I'm really looking forward to getting it installed. Now I can change the stations!!

Thanks, everyone, for making 30 so much better than I thought it would be!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Are you kidding me?

So, almost 11 o'clock last night I took Charlie out one last time before bed. Elmo is running around the yard like crazy, and I figure he's chasing one of the kittens. A few minutes later, he comes over to the fence with what looks like a rat tail hanging out of his mouth.

I could only wish. Instead, he has this little creature....

I took him to Wildlife with me just to get him checked out. Turns out, he's a little thin, but I may be able to release him next weekend.

This weekend

...was so beautiful. Not above 85 degrees, sunshine, blue skies, cool breeze.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Tuckered out...

After spending all day sleeping, he just couldn't go another step...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Thanksgiving and Thankswanting

I got to thinking about some of the stuff that would be really cool to have. Then I started thinking about all the stuff I already have. This is thanks for what I already have, and a wishlist of some of the things that would be really cool to have.

Early for Thanksgiving, but it's always a good time....

I love my husband. He puts up with me and our knack for collecting more pets. Since we met, the number of pets has doubled.

I love my house. Especially now since it looks more like 2 homeowners live here with pets instead of 2 squatters with a bunch of strays.

I love the family heirlooms that have found a home with us. They keep family legacies and memories close.

I love our pets. All 10. Each one of them has a very distinct personality that brings laughter to our home.

I'm grateful that our bills are paid, our pets are fed, our roof doesn't leak, and we have food to eat.

I'm grateful for family and friends that we keep close and that keep us close.

Now for some fun stuff....

Josie needs a cover to keep her from getting any worse. A fully stocked garage would be even cooler. Then she could really be the car of my dreams.

A new radio for my truck. Only 2 buttons work: On/Off/Volume and the Eject button. So I listen to the same station all the time. Good thing I like the morning show.

If I could find a way to quit working and afford to go to school full time and graduate in 2 or 3 years instead of 10.

An inordinate amount of cash to donate to the Wildlife Center to build or upgrade facilities. They're not bad off now, but could use some help.

Wouldn't we all want more time?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


So, I left work today, and as I turned the corner to head towards the interstate, I saw a GIANT rainbow. It had just finished raining, all the clouds looked like they were resting, and this beautiful rainbow right over downtown. As I was driving home, I noticed the sky looked amazing. All sorts of clouds; wisps, thunderheads, little blobbies. As I got close to my exit, I just happened to see another rainbow! It looked as though it was jumping from one cloud to another. What a beautiful way to drive home.

And I left my stinking camera in my desk.



Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Random Beverage

Sake tastes sort of like whiskey, but less brown. As luck would have it, we own sake cups.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Speaking of the Pets

Elmo, the old man of the bunch. Good boy, but not very bright.

Charlie, new to our house, but a little older than Elmo. He's still adjusting, and so are all the other pets.

Mina, one of the two that talks back. She also keeps all the other pets in line.

Phoebe, the fat one. This is usually what she can be found doing. Either this, or
begging for food. She’s the other one that talks back.

Squirt, the little one. She’s easy going, but doesn’t like change. She’s also a daddy’s girl. Hates hates hates when daddy doesn’t come home on time.

Lucille, the snake. She’s the best behaved. It’s hard to get in trouble in a 10 gallon tank.

Rosco, pretty much the baby of the bunch. He and Mina are running a close race as to who makes the most noise.

And, of course, the babies. These cuties are the most recent litter of neighbors that refuse to spay their cat. So, now they're pretty much ours. And Elmo has buddies.

Little Girl taking care of her brother

White nose little boy is very full after dinner

Gray nose little boy is the most loving.

We have a full house, and the pet groceries are almost as much as the people groceries, but we wouldn't have it any other way.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A new think

Most journeys start with a plan, I'm still working this one out...