Friday, October 5, 2007

A Trip is not a trip is not trip

Today I am flying out to Utah for my friend Jenny's wedding reception. I packed a couple of days ago to be sure that I had everything I needed. I made my list, counted out how many pairs of socks, how many shirts, even dug out my travel sized everythings. I'm ready. Hubby brings me to work with my carry-on and suitcase. All is good.

Then, it hits me.

I forgot my pillow.

This is no ordinary pillow. Some may find this disturbing, others will completely understand. I've had this pillow, and one just like it, my ENTIRE life. This pillow has been through everything with me. It has traveled around the world with me. It defended the freedom of These United States with me as I loaded containers in Kuwait. When I found myself all alone, no matter where I found myself, my trusty pillow was there.

I immediately started whining. To my coworker's dismay. Then I call Hubby and he's not there. I have to leave a whining message that I forgot something very important. My pillow. When he called back, there was no sympathy, only: "Maybe now you will have learned your lesson. All those times you make fun of me for making lists, now maybe you will start making lists." But I did make a list. Never have I had to put the pillow on the list, because that would be like putting your right arm on the list.

Hubby suggested that maybe Jenny will have a pillow. I reminded him that not only do Jenny and Dan need their own pillows, Jenny's mom is in town, and I will be using the air mattress. I don't mind the air mattress, but I need my pillow. Then I said, "Maybe I can just sleep on a couch cushion!" Hubby exploded in laughter. So supportive. Then he comes up with these ingenious solutions:

A bag of flour
A bag of corn meal
Ooh, Rice!
Ooh, Ooh, a ziploc bag full of rice!

About this point in the phone call, Jenny emails me with a weather update. Instead of the worst winter storm in 10 years, now the weather people say, just kidding, rain and cold and wind. I email her back and say, "I forgot my stinking pillow," Who cares about the weather, I FORGOT MY PILLOW!!!

Ever the solutionist, Jenny assures me that they have plenty of pillows that stink that I can borrow.

Hopefully, my trip won't be ruined.

I am looking forward to the bonfire. I haven't been to one of those in a while.

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