Friday, April 25, 2008

So, the Prez has a plan...

I don't usually like to talk politics, but I can't help myself on this one...

On my way home today, I saw this, and was completely disgusted. And made to feel totally helpless.Now, I realize that the prices out West are a bit higher, but the prices have been going up two and three times a day here. We're already up about 40 cents just in the last two weeks! I saw an article today that said Bush is confident that the stimulus money will pull the nation's economy out of this slump. While I am very grateful that Uncle Sam is pretty much giving us extra money, there's no way in Hades that $600 is going to save the nation. It's like no one in Washington realizes that we're not spending money on anything because we're spending all of our money just trying to get to work so we can afford to put gas in our cars just to get back to work!

So, what motivation do the people up there in law-land have to do something about fuel prices? I understand that we live in a capitalist country and there aren't really limits on what the suppliers can charge. But, do you think Bush fills his own car at the pump? Out of his own pocket? Probably not. And, I'm willing to bet about half my house that not many of the lawmakers do, either. So, the gas prices aren't really affecting them. I bet only a few of them buy their own groceries or pay their own bills. They have "people" for that.

Let's look at it this way: The US is one of the most obese countries in the world. Not only is the price of fuel going up, but the price of food, as well. So much so that stores are putting limits on how much rice we can buy. Rice! Well, if the price of food is up, and all we can afford to buy is gas, then we won't eat as much because we won't be able to buy as much food. Therefore! We all lose weight and can fit into all those cute clothes!

Maybe that's the master plan after all. The government's solution to the obesity problem is to just let the gas prices get so high that we can't even afford to eat!

I'm done.


Chris said...

I think the best part about our stimulus plan is that our country had to borrow the money for it. Not only that but we are projected to then use it purchasing products that come from overseas. Great idea! Don't get me wrong I don't complain about getting money but seems like we could have come up with a better plan

Yodame said...

I'm glad you wrote this gripe. I liked what you said... a lot. I think we will use our tax return to buy bags of rice. That way when food runs out we will have lots of rice to eat. We can eat rice omelets, rice stew, rice pie, rice cakes, and even sake. We can bathe with rice, put it in our hair, and fill our gas tank with it. This seemed like a good plan until we learned that there is even a rice shortage. We can only get 4 bags at at time at Costco now. This world is going to hell in a hand basket. I want to get off the ride now.