Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Event Filled Day

Everybody knows today is Earth Day. Everyone is excited about recycling, reusing, renewing and hoping to save this planet for our future generations. I am as well, and we do our teeny part to help. We use the Green Bags for groceries, we plant a big garden, we use the lower energy bulbs. It is sad that our community doesn't have a recycling program, though. I called City Hall a few weeks ago and the woman I spoke to said, "I think there's a place out back here where you can bring your newspapers." That's all? I already recycle papers in the bird cage. We sorely need plastic and glass recycling. Maybe I'll work on that.

I'm also excited today because it is our 2 year anniversary. We sort of accidentally got married on Earth Day, but it seems appropriate for us. We also accidentally (but fortunately) got married on the weekend in between Easter and Talladega. Two very important and celebratory weekends here in the South.

However, I'm not excited about the paper due this afternoon that I really haven't started writing yet. I should be doing that now, instead of blogging.

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