Sunday, April 6, 2008

More Garden Stuff

How does our garden grow? Better if the neighbors' dogs would stay out of it.

We have corn, garlic, onions, brussel sprouts, cabbage, peppers, tomatoes and squash. At the other end is more rosemary.

All that green fuzzy stuff.....collards. Lots and lots of collards. That big yellow blob, yep, collards. From two years ago. Hubby threw out a bunch of seed thinking only a few would come up. Apparently, ALL of them came up.


Chris said...

You and Shannon should chat, she is going garden crazy lately as well. I definitely appreciate it, but well I am a computer geek :)

Yodame said...

I was wondering how much longer you were going to be crafty. Now I know you've been super busy outside doing stuff. That's a fine looking garden. Are you going to try for some homadoes this year?

Unknown said...

Chris...most of this is the work of the nerd husband. I usually just help with the weeds and the eating...

Yoda...homadoes didn't come up again this year, but I'll try to sneak some in.