Friday, September 21, 2007

For the sake of the blog

This is a little funny, but mostly inappropriate....

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

So today

turned out to be a better day than I expected. A weird headache started late Monday afternoon, became a pretty bad migraine yesterday, and I figured I was going to feel like crap all day today. After lunch, things started to get better, and the headache lifted on its own.

One of the girls I work with put giant signs up on my windows, "Ask me how old I am today" and "This is what 30 looks like"

My mom surprised me at work yesterday with a new shirt and cute card.

The guys I work with from the warehouse all signed a funny birthday card for me.

I got lots of birthday wishes from all over today.

Hubby sent beatiful flowers to me....

Hubby also gave me a new radio for my truck!!! I'm really looking forward to getting it installed. Now I can change the stations!!

Thanks, everyone, for making 30 so much better than I thought it would be!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Are you kidding me?

So, almost 11 o'clock last night I took Charlie out one last time before bed. Elmo is running around the yard like crazy, and I figure he's chasing one of the kittens. A few minutes later, he comes over to the fence with what looks like a rat tail hanging out of his mouth.

I could only wish. Instead, he has this little creature....

I took him to Wildlife with me just to get him checked out. Turns out, he's a little thin, but I may be able to release him next weekend.

This weekend

...was so beautiful. Not above 85 degrees, sunshine, blue skies, cool breeze.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Tuckered out...

After spending all day sleeping, he just couldn't go another step...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Thanksgiving and Thankswanting

I got to thinking about some of the stuff that would be really cool to have. Then I started thinking about all the stuff I already have. This is thanks for what I already have, and a wishlist of some of the things that would be really cool to have.

Early for Thanksgiving, but it's always a good time....

I love my husband. He puts up with me and our knack for collecting more pets. Since we met, the number of pets has doubled.

I love my house. Especially now since it looks more like 2 homeowners live here with pets instead of 2 squatters with a bunch of strays.

I love the family heirlooms that have found a home with us. They keep family legacies and memories close.

I love our pets. All 10. Each one of them has a very distinct personality that brings laughter to our home.

I'm grateful that our bills are paid, our pets are fed, our roof doesn't leak, and we have food to eat.

I'm grateful for family and friends that we keep close and that keep us close.

Now for some fun stuff....

Josie needs a cover to keep her from getting any worse. A fully stocked garage would be even cooler. Then she could really be the car of my dreams.

A new radio for my truck. Only 2 buttons work: On/Off/Volume and the Eject button. So I listen to the same station all the time. Good thing I like the morning show.

If I could find a way to quit working and afford to go to school full time and graduate in 2 or 3 years instead of 10.

An inordinate amount of cash to donate to the Wildlife Center to build or upgrade facilities. They're not bad off now, but could use some help.

Wouldn't we all want more time?