Saturday, January 2, 2010

My Intentions for 2010

So, it's that time of year again.  I've reviewed last year's Intentions and there are only a few things I didn't accomplish, so that's good.  We didn't pull up any carpet, and we didn't get our new-ish kitchen.  Our preparedness is still a little shaky, but I feel like I know where things are if I need them a little more than last year.  Here we go!

Save Money!  I've really gotten into couponing and have found it amazing how much you can get for so little money.  I'm not a pro, but at least I know how to use this very valuable resource.  Maybe this will help us finally get that kitchen. 

Keep the House Cleaner!  Some days I wonder how the house isn't talking back to us.  Maybe it is, or maybe it's just the bird.  It's hard to keep some things clean, we do have 6 cats, 2 dogs and a bird.  There will always be pet hair and feathers and I'm okay with that.  It's the "lazy mess" that is really irksome. 

The Kitchen!  I'm hoping I can work out some way that what we save on groceries with couponing we can put towards the kitchen and have that done mid to late year.  The hardest part is going to be being without a kitchen for a few days.  We need new countertops (possibly cabinets if they can't be salvaged), a dishwasher, and I'd love to have a disposal if it can be done.  Also, we have a doo-doo brown fridge.  From 1982 or something.  That I hate.  I've already been shopping for this one.

Organize, Donate, Recycle, Compost!  I like to say that I love organization.  I love to organize and compartmentalize.  But, I'm lazy.  Things aren't necessarily pretty, but I know where they are.  I have to make and clean up a mess to get to them and I hate that.  Hubs brought home 2 extra filing cabinets about 2 years ago just for that purpose and they remain empty in the storage building. 
    We have a ton of stuff we don't use and don't need.  Looking back at last year's intentions, my mantra was going to be "If you don't use it, you don't need it."  Hubs moved a lot of stuff into storage that was taking up space and re-organized the storage building so we can actually get into it, but we still have a long way to go.  This is the year.  I can feel it.
     I hate trash.  Especially if I know it can be repurposed, or recycled, or composted.  I recently found a place that will take just about anything.  This is very exciting because my community does not have recycling.  And it's only a few blocks from work so it would be a quick trip during lunch!
     We have had a garden for several years now and composting for fertilizer and dirt just makes all kind of sense.  However, we throw stuff in the trash all the time.  Grr.  We have a compost "pile" but it just doesn't get it.  We need a box or bin.  And some worms.  I'm excited about this.  I can just imagine the tasty veggies our compost and worms will grow.  Mmmm.

Grow One Stitch Wonders!  Last year was my first year for selling jewelry and I had a great response.  I really love making things that people love.  And most of what I've made has meaning and keepsake qualities.  Seeing how excited people are about what I did is such a great feeling.  This year, I'd like to have a few pieces on consignment or for sale in some of the little boutiques that are blocks from our house.  Nearly all of what I've done so far has been by word of mouth and traffic to the OneStitchWonders blog.  I'd like to spread that out a little and eventually do this full time. 

Take a Metalsmithing Class!  I'd like to do this to learn more for the jewelry.  And I have a lot of scrap that I'd like to do something with.  Hubs gave me the Student's Handbook for Christmas and I've already drooled over it a little.  Now if I could just learn to do that stuff!

Bamboo floors in the living room!  How I'd love to get rid of the icky berber carpet and put down beautiful, affordable, renewable bamboo floors.  I found 3 selections at the hardware store today.  I was amazed at all the Brazilian wood choices and just wonder how much of that comes from old growth and rain forests.  Bamboo is such an amazing resource because it is plentiful, will grow almost anywhere, grows incredibly fast, and is used for so many things.  From floors and furniture to clothes and curtains!

Go into 2010 with high aspirations and acheive them.  Let this be the year we all become better people and better the world.

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