Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Intentional Addendum

I've been taking a new daily medication for my migraines, and it causes a bit of brain malfunction from time to time. My short term memory lacks and I forget about half of what I need.

Think more and talk less. My mouth tends to get ahead of my brain and I end up saying things that are more snarky than intended. I've cut some pretty deep wounds with this tendency.

Get/Stay more organized. I usually have piles and piles of important bits of paper lying around that need to be filed. Of course, when I need something, I can never find it. I sort of started this in December, but mostly it was in preparation for doing taxes in a couple of weeks. I set up a pretty good system in a pretty good place, so hopefully this will be easy.

Be more prepared. With everything from getting lunch ready for the next day to "disaster preparedness". I've had a list of important things to compile on the fridge for about 2 years. I think it's time to take care of that. And, this will help with aforementioned intention. The older I get, the more I hate doing things at the last minute.

Get rid of stuff. Not necessarily throw things away, but find better homes for all the extra stuff we have and don't need. We have a lot of stuff that hasn't been out of boxes or in use in years that is just taking up space. This one sort of goes with the yard sale intention. One of my new mantras should be "If you don't use it, you don't need it."

1 comment:

Chris said...

I always love drugs that cause the short term memory to function poorly. I can see this infinite loop. Did I take my drugs today, I don't remember doing that hmmm guess I should. 10 minutes later did I take that drug, guess I should. A full bottle later... Okay I guess I am going down a morbid path here. Have a great new year, we miss hanging out with you guys!