Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's Intentions

Because I don't do well with resolutions, here is a list of things I intend to accomplish this year.

Finally get a new-ish kitchen. We don't have a dishwasher and the cabinets are too low t0 install one. So, we pretty much have to rip out all the lower cabinets + countertops and re-do. But, the sink stays. I love my sink. That's why I bought the house.

Tear up some carpet to expose hardwoods. We've discovered that there are hardwoods under the hall carpet and one of the bedrooms.

Take more time to do things I keep saying I'm going to do. Hike more, bike more, garden more, clean more, spend more time with friends.

Have a yard sale. We gathered a bunch of stuff for a yard sale last February and moved it to the front of the house. And it has stayed there. I think this may also fall under previous intentions.

Work on the jewelry/craft business. I've really enjoyed learning to make jewelry and using different materials and techniques. We've talked about having a business selling honey and wax and their related products, so why not add in my new favorite hobby. I would eventually love to have a little shop.

Of course, I intend to eat less and exercise more, but doesn't everyone?

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