Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I have a new toy! I've never had a gadget phone before and I AM SO EXCITED! I got this phone today! I haven't figured out all the cool stuff yet, but what I have figured out makes me giddy!

Friday, April 25, 2008

So, the Prez has a plan...

I don't usually like to talk politics, but I can't help myself on this one...

On my way home today, I saw this, and was completely disgusted. And made to feel totally helpless.Now, I realize that the prices out West are a bit higher, but the prices have been going up two and three times a day here. We're already up about 40 cents just in the last two weeks! I saw an article today that said Bush is confident that the stimulus money will pull the nation's economy out of this slump. While I am very grateful that Uncle Sam is pretty much giving us extra money, there's no way in Hades that $600 is going to save the nation. It's like no one in Washington realizes that we're not spending money on anything because we're spending all of our money just trying to get to work so we can afford to put gas in our cars just to get back to work!

So, what motivation do the people up there in law-land have to do something about fuel prices? I understand that we live in a capitalist country and there aren't really limits on what the suppliers can charge. But, do you think Bush fills his own car at the pump? Out of his own pocket? Probably not. And, I'm willing to bet about half my house that not many of the lawmakers do, either. So, the gas prices aren't really affecting them. I bet only a few of them buy their own groceries or pay their own bills. They have "people" for that.

Let's look at it this way: The US is one of the most obese countries in the world. Not only is the price of fuel going up, but the price of food, as well. So much so that stores are putting limits on how much rice we can buy. Rice! Well, if the price of food is up, and all we can afford to buy is gas, then we won't eat as much because we won't be able to buy as much food. Therefore! We all lose weight and can fit into all those cute clothes!

Maybe that's the master plan after all. The government's solution to the obesity problem is to just let the gas prices get so high that we can't even afford to eat!

I'm done.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Anniversary Surprise!

Last Day Inspiration

Today was the last day of class for the semester. Our Fabulous teacher asked each of us what was our favorite work from the class and why. One of the students answered something like this: She didn't really like literature before this class, but because he (teacher) let us interpret each work independently as long as we could support our interpretation, she now has a greater appreciation for literature. This sparked a discussion about how literature should be read and taught. Some teachers instruct students on what certain works mean. Others, like ours, let the students decide what an author says means to them. As long as it makes sense, and can be supported, it works. The teacher said something along these lines: "A writer's work means nothing if no one reads it."

I have a lot more stuff that I want to add to The State of Time, and I think I've been inspired by that one sentence. So, more to come.

Event Filled Day

Everybody knows today is Earth Day. Everyone is excited about recycling, reusing, renewing and hoping to save this planet for our future generations. I am as well, and we do our teeny part to help. We use the Green Bags for groceries, we plant a big garden, we use the lower energy bulbs. It is sad that our community doesn't have a recycling program, though. I called City Hall a few weeks ago and the woman I spoke to said, "I think there's a place out back here where you can bring your newspapers." That's all? I already recycle papers in the bird cage. We sorely need plastic and glass recycling. Maybe I'll work on that.

I'm also excited today because it is our 2 year anniversary. We sort of accidentally got married on Earth Day, but it seems appropriate for us. We also accidentally (but fortunately) got married on the weekend in between Easter and Talladega. Two very important and celebratory weekends here in the South.

However, I'm not excited about the paper due this afternoon that I really haven't started writing yet. I should be doing that now, instead of blogging.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


We went to THE SHOW this afternoon. It was so great. And freaking hilarious!!!

So worth the 5 month wait since we bought the tickets in November.

If this show comes anywhere near you, You. Must. Go.

More Garden Stuff

How does our garden grow? Better if the neighbors' dogs would stay out of it.

We have corn, garlic, onions, brussel sprouts, cabbage, peppers, tomatoes and squash. At the other end is more rosemary.

All that green fuzzy stuff.....collards. Lots and lots of collards. That big yellow blob, yep, collards. From two years ago. Hubby threw out a bunch of seed thinking only a few would come up. Apparently, ALL of them came up.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Some of what we've been up to....

I finally found a fuschia!! I've been waiting for the local hardware store to get them, but I found this one at Publix! I hung her in the window by the back door to get sun almost all day and we can see her coming in and out.

This is only a small part of the herb garden. There's a monster rosemary outside, as well as some oregano that has lived through two winters. The three on the right are all rosemary cuttings that are doing quite well. Everybody else L-R, Top-Bottom
Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano, Thyme, Oregano
Basil, Basil, Chives