Saturday, December 29, 2007

2 things, unrelated

First, the pictures of the mailbox decorations I did for Christmas. I'm proud because it was easy, it turned out really pretty, and I did it!

Second: Back in August, we had to give a family heirloom china cabinet back to my uncle. The cabinet was made by my great-great-grandfather as a wedding gift to his new bride. I started on a search for a new one, but couldn't find exactly what I wanted, much less for the right price. Furniture is really expensive these days. After Hubby and I talked it over, we decided that the only way we could get what we really wanted was to have it made just for us. The old one was the perfect size and we really like the style of it. There is a lady that volunteers at the Wildlife Center who makes custom pieces, and she's made one for me before. I sent her a few pictures and the measurements, she sent me a price (unbelievable how much less that store bought!), and I said go ahead. That was in September. Today, she delivered the piece, and it is amazing. Here's a picture:

Charlie wanted to be in the picture, so I obliged. When we get it where it is supposed to be and get all the china put back into it, I'll post another picture. I think Granddaddy would be proud.

Friday, December 28, 2007


So, I think I'm going to try something new on the blog. Or sort of attached to the blog. I'm working on it now, but not sure when it will be ready.

Stay tuned!

Sprites be gone!

I sent my camera back to Olympus a week or so ago to have it checked out and possible even replaced. I've been following the progress, and it was shipped back yesterday and should arrive back at home next Thursday!! Warranty coverage is so worth it. It only cost me the shipping, and the repairs and return shipping were free. Hopefully, the camera sprites were convinced to leave me and my camera alone. Then I can catch up on some of the things I've been working on! And, I can put the camera case Hubby gave me for Christmas to good use.

Oh, and the new laptop!


Sunday, December 16, 2007

O, Christmas Tree

We put up and trimmed our tree a couple of weeks ago. Trimming the tree is always fun for me because I can connect memories to just about each ornament. Several of the ornaments we have were given to us by Hubby's mother just before our first Christmas together. Some of them are little yarn dolls his grandmother made, there are a couple that Hubby made when he was but a wee one, and there are a few that are from his childhood collected through the years. There is the golden cut-out ornament from our honeymoon, the oyster half-shell from St. Simon's Island, all the creature ornaments, and of course, the Podlings. We haven't found a topper yet, but it looks alright to us. We are both pretty diligent in making sure the tree is lit before sundown when we're home, otherwise, it is one of the first things we do when we get home. Also, the whole front half of the house smells like Christmas all month.

Saturday, December 8, 2007


Why can't boys be a little more conservative with their emissions?