Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I read a lot of blogs. I am a random blog stalker. That's not the point of this post, though.

Most of the bloggers I stalk have told of their respective Thanksgivings. Here's mine: We ate. Alot. That's all.

The babies have been staying inside alot lately. Squirt is not happy about it. But she isn't happy about change. Unless it's the litter box.

No migraine this week! (so far)

We're getting our Christmas tree this weekend. I'm pretty much done with shopping. I'm not gloating, I'm just not usually done until the 23rd. Of December.

That's all.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Yeah, I know

So Halloween was a week and a half ago, but Hubby had to take pics because of the sprites. Isn't he cute?

This is a guilty dog:

Hubby called while I was out running errands today. He had been in the garden for collards and noticed what he first thought was a snake. Upon further inspection, discovered that it was a tail. And there was fur attached to the tail. Then the fur disappeared into the dirt.

Apparently, Elmo caught another opossum, dug a pretty big hole and buried him. We're not sure if he met his end with Elmo, or if he was playing possum and Elmo buried him alive. Either way, it is strange that only the tail is left showing. Maybe it is so he can find it later? Or maybe it's because he couldn't get the tail buried for the twitching.

At least we have some fertilizer.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Can't come soon enough!

While I was out in Utah for Jenny's reception, some friends were thanking Jenny and her man for the tickets to a very popular show that has a bit of a cult following. When they announced that it was SPAMALOT, I very nearly had a fit, as Hubby and I are quite the followers.

Halloween morning, Hubby left out for work earlier than usual. In the near dark, I asked if he was dressed as a lumberjack. To which he replied, "Yes, and I'm ok!" He had a very similar exchange with a coworker. The coworker roiled with laughter while the receptionist looked on, quite confused.

You may have also noticed a couple of new features on my sidebar. These come after we got some very exciting news yesterday.

SPAMALOT is coming to the 'Ham! After quite a bit of research, and a very fast, enthusiatic decision, tickets were purchased, and there was much rejoicing!