Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tunnel, Week 42

A few fall colors starting to show.  Looking forward to the next few weeks.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Different Tide

There have been lots of changes around here.  Some good, some sad that turned out to be good, and some very good.  

We are one person less.  These two people deserved happier lives apart instead of mediocre lives together.  Sad, difficult, trying, but good in the end.

We are one dog less.  Charlie passed away a couple of months ago.  He had been thin and we beefed him back up.  He lost his weight again and started not eating.  No matter what we tried to feed him.  I had an out of town trip planned and had pretty much decided to part with him before I left, but he perked up and ate the morning before my trip.  I decided to give him the weekend and see how he did.  That Friday, he was listless and weak.  Saturday he went to the vet and they tried to keep him alive until I got home, but he sadly passed away Sunday evening while I was on the way home.  Very, very sad.  He is sorely missed.

Charlie came into our family in 1995, one year after my grandfather passed away.  My grandmother adopted him from our local humane society, and was told that he was already 3 or 4 years old.  So, that means the old guy was nearing 20.  I had him for just 3 years.  He brought my grandmother 12 years of companionship and happiness, and I will treasure the 3 he brought us.

The house is coming together.  I feel like I live here now and this is my home.  I dare say I have a few favorite spots instead of "places I hang out."  My yard is looking nice despite the hackberry attack in July, and my resulting sulking and denial.  Glad I came out of that one.  It was starting to look like no one lived here.  I would like to have a little get together sometime, maybe for the holidays.  Good.

I have a new outlook.  It amazes me how people come in and out of your life, usually at just the right times.  It sometimes seems like some people will be with you for the long haul, but they are only with you for a short trip.  It is upsetting to part ways with someone who held a significant position in your life for a long time, but you realize that that person was in your life, or you in his, for a reason.  You needed him, he needed you, but there comes a time when you have fulfilled your purpose and must move on to the next part of your life.  

I've sometimes (often, truthfully) focused so much on the future and potential that I completely lose sight of what is right in front of me.  I miss my life for hoping for more.  Since these changes were set in motion, I have tried, and succeeded, to be more in the moment.  To pay attention to what is happening right now and to be content with that.  I have a long list of projects, but am happy with the slow but sure progress I am making instead of stressing about all the things I "need" to do.  

A person from my past in back in my life, and is part of my life everyday.  I wish I could say that my new outlook is completely my doing, but I've had some help.  Quite appreciated, welcomed and wonderfully overwhelmed.  I feel like me again and have been enjoying things that I enjoy.  Never wait for someone to be happy.  Be happy on your own and enjoy that happiness with someone else.  Very, very good.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tunnel, Week 40

Wow, Week 40, already.  Beautiful weather here lately, some of the leaves have already started turning.  It will be spectacular up on the Mountain in a few short weeks.