Thursday, December 16, 2010

Working on it

Ok, so I got really far behind a few weeks ago and have been trying to catch back up.  The end of year tunnel pics are coming soon, I have several weeks to share.  I've also been working on a lot of new jewelry, and will hopefully be getting that posted over on OneStitch soon.

See you soon

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tunnel, Week 42

A few fall colors starting to show.  Looking forward to the next few weeks.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Different Tide

There have been lots of changes around here.  Some good, some sad that turned out to be good, and some very good.  

We are one person less.  These two people deserved happier lives apart instead of mediocre lives together.  Sad, difficult, trying, but good in the end.

We are one dog less.  Charlie passed away a couple of months ago.  He had been thin and we beefed him back up.  He lost his weight again and started not eating.  No matter what we tried to feed him.  I had an out of town trip planned and had pretty much decided to part with him before I left, but he perked up and ate the morning before my trip.  I decided to give him the weekend and see how he did.  That Friday, he was listless and weak.  Saturday he went to the vet and they tried to keep him alive until I got home, but he sadly passed away Sunday evening while I was on the way home.  Very, very sad.  He is sorely missed.

Charlie came into our family in 1995, one year after my grandfather passed away.  My grandmother adopted him from our local humane society, and was told that he was already 3 or 4 years old.  So, that means the old guy was nearing 20.  I had him for just 3 years.  He brought my grandmother 12 years of companionship and happiness, and I will treasure the 3 he brought us.

The house is coming together.  I feel like I live here now and this is my home.  I dare say I have a few favorite spots instead of "places I hang out."  My yard is looking nice despite the hackberry attack in July, and my resulting sulking and denial.  Glad I came out of that one.  It was starting to look like no one lived here.  I would like to have a little get together sometime, maybe for the holidays.  Good.

I have a new outlook.  It amazes me how people come in and out of your life, usually at just the right times.  It sometimes seems like some people will be with you for the long haul, but they are only with you for a short trip.  It is upsetting to part ways with someone who held a significant position in your life for a long time, but you realize that that person was in your life, or you in his, for a reason.  You needed him, he needed you, but there comes a time when you have fulfilled your purpose and must move on to the next part of your life.  

I've sometimes (often, truthfully) focused so much on the future and potential that I completely lose sight of what is right in front of me.  I miss my life for hoping for more.  Since these changes were set in motion, I have tried, and succeeded, to be more in the moment.  To pay attention to what is happening right now and to be content with that.  I have a long list of projects, but am happy with the slow but sure progress I am making instead of stressing about all the things I "need" to do.  

A person from my past in back in my life, and is part of my life everyday.  I wish I could say that my new outlook is completely my doing, but I've had some help.  Quite appreciated, welcomed and wonderfully overwhelmed.  I feel like me again and have been enjoying things that I enjoy.  Never wait for someone to be happy.  Be happy on your own and enjoy that happiness with someone else.  Very, very good.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tunnel, Week 40

Wow, Week 40, already.  Beautiful weather here lately, some of the leaves have already started turning.  It will be spectacular up on the Mountain in a few short weeks. 

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tunnel, Week 37

I took these on my way out of the park, instead of the usual "on the way in".  I really like the way the sun comes back through the trees.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tunnel, Week 36

This past weekend was near perfect.  The weather was so nice, I think the high all weekend was around 85.  Beautiful skies, nice breezes, extra day off work.  I couldn't ask for much more.  The cooler days remind me that soon, the trees will begin to lose their green and start turning the wonderful colors of fall.  I can't wait for the fall tunnel!

Tunnel, Week 35

Ooh, way more behind than I thought I was...a couple extra shots from a week and a half ago..

Monday, August 23, 2010

Tunnel, Week 34

I didn't realize I was 3 weeks behind!  And, I forgot my camera, again, so cell phone pano it is...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tunnel, Week 31

Back towards the interstate, as promised.  Not much to be seen, or heard for that matter.  Such a hot muggy day.  I'm hoping this summer breaks, soon.  It's been miserable this year.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Tunnel, Week 29

Running late and forgot my camera, so here we are with a pano from my cell.
Will try to remember to get some shots of other angles in 2 weeks.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Letter to my younger self

I heard about this project on NPR today on my way home.  Cassie Boorn put out a call to her 30 and 40 something fellow bloggers to write a letter to their 20 something selves.  She said that reading the letters made her appreciate herself more and not take herself so seriously.  Also, many of the women reported that writing the letters was very therapeutic.  I really liked the idea and thought I would send a letter out to a younger me.

First.  Join the Air Force.  You could learn a lot in the Army, but your future Air Force buddies will make you jealous.  Skip the green (envy and uniform), go blue. 
Second.  When an old friend tells you not to get married 3 days before your wedding, listen.  You will think you have everything in your back pocket, but soon it is scattered to the winds.  If you choose not to listen, it will be okay.  Long, painful, and confusing, but okay. 
Third.  Get out of bed and go to class!!  You will regret not doing this, probably every single day.
Fourth.  Listen to yourself.  Always.  Don't take the easy way out.  Difficulty and grief will make you stronger and more resilient.
Fifth.  Move faster, but take your time.  You will only be a 20 something once.

Good Luck.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tunnel, Week 26

Week 26 means we're half way through the year.  It seems like just a few weeks ago things were still gray and bare.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tunnel, Week 22

Not only sooner than last week, but the same day!  And a dreary, rainy day it was.  The Tunnel was beautiful today!  Too bad the camera didn't focus better.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

I love seeing this out of the corner of my eye....

Tunnel, Week 21

So, I'm incredibly behind.  My camera batteries pooped out, so these are with my cell phone camera, and its tiny 2 mega pixels.  The tree cover is sufficient enough to drop the temperature in the Tunnel a degree or two.  And, the shade is a nice reprieve from extra sunny days.  I'll do my best to get tomorrow's shots up a bit earlier.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Tunnel, Week 19

A couple of extra shots this week.

Entering the Tunnel


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tunnel, Week 18

I wish I could take the pictures from the other side of the street so I wouldn't have to remember all that was torn out of here.  But, it still looks really pretty!  You can sort of even see why we who love it call it the "Tunnel" in the second picture.

I love this place.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Tunnel, Week 16

We have had some amazing weather lately.  Just look how beautiful it was today, and how pretty the tunnel looks! 

We're out of town next weekend, so see you in two weeks!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tunnel, Week 15

So, I forgot my camera...didn't realize it until I was about a mile outside the tunnel.  These are pano's I took with my cell phone.

Look at all this green!!!  What an explosion of green leaves!!  This is what I wait for every year and it really took me by surprise this year.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tunnel, Week 14

Things are getting green!!  And if you look very close at the end of the road just above the car, there are some pink blooms!  It's getting very pretty around here.  A few days ago there was pollen everywhere like a pollen bomb went off.  Then it rained and all was mostly clean.  

Ah, Spring!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tunnel, Week 13

We had unexpectedly pretty weather this afternoon.  It was supposed to be rainy and chilly, but it was so nice.  Trees and shrubs are budding out at Wildlife, so the tunnel should be greening soon!!