Wednesday, August 29, 2007


So, I left work today, and as I turned the corner to head towards the interstate, I saw a GIANT rainbow. It had just finished raining, all the clouds looked like they were resting, and this beautiful rainbow right over downtown. As I was driving home, I noticed the sky looked amazing. All sorts of clouds; wisps, thunderheads, little blobbies. As I got close to my exit, I just happened to see another rainbow! It looked as though it was jumping from one cloud to another. What a beautiful way to drive home.

And I left my stinking camera in my desk.



Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Random Beverage

Sake tastes sort of like whiskey, but less brown. As luck would have it, we own sake cups.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Speaking of the Pets

Elmo, the old man of the bunch. Good boy, but not very bright.

Charlie, new to our house, but a little older than Elmo. He's still adjusting, and so are all the other pets.

Mina, one of the two that talks back. She also keeps all the other pets in line.

Phoebe, the fat one. This is usually what she can be found doing. Either this, or
begging for food. She’s the other one that talks back.

Squirt, the little one. She’s easy going, but doesn’t like change. She’s also a daddy’s girl. Hates hates hates when daddy doesn’t come home on time.

Lucille, the snake. She’s the best behaved. It’s hard to get in trouble in a 10 gallon tank.

Rosco, pretty much the baby of the bunch. He and Mina are running a close race as to who makes the most noise.

And, of course, the babies. These cuties are the most recent litter of neighbors that refuse to spay their cat. So, now they're pretty much ours. And Elmo has buddies.

Little Girl taking care of her brother

White nose little boy is very full after dinner

Gray nose little boy is the most loving.

We have a full house, and the pet groceries are almost as much as the people groceries, but we wouldn't have it any other way.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A new think

Most journeys start with a plan, I'm still working this one out...